Monday, February 29, 2016


統計數據以或然率計算,從二月2015至二月2016,共269交易日,最高1862,最低1532,平均值1713,標準差值78. 以馬股市二月1654收市來恆量,目前是負0.76標準差,有18.7%輸的機率,那贏的機率是多少?

Statistic figures are derived from probabilities. Since Feb'15 till Feb'16, there have been 269 trading days, the highest index 1862, the lowest index 1532, the average index 1713, the standard deviation 78. Based on the closing index 1654 of Bursa stock market in Feb'16, the standard deviation is presently at negative 0.76, which may be translated into 18.7% of losing probability; what will be the winning probability on the other hand?

In order to be one of the 5%, one should be striving to produce more cash flows and ignore the noise of the market. 

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